Lady of the Mote's shared items

Monday, November 24, 2008


Good Morning Everyone,
no pictures today,or me trying a witty post,or crafts
Today I ask for prayers for my brother-in-law
he is getting surgery for prostate cancer,
and after that he will spend a few days with us
recovering,prayers for wisdom to the doctors
and healing for him,
Thank you so very much,
and ladies make sure your husbands get tested,
it is as important as breast exams for us,
God Bless you all.
Lady of the Mote


Dawn Marie said...

Ok, i will send up a prayer for him and his recovery. I hope it all goes well for him and his family.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Thank you for stopping by & leaving a note! So nice to meet you and I hope you'll come back often.

Hope all goes well with your BIL with the surgery & recovery.

Beth Dargis said...

I am praying for your brother - in -law

Lady of the Mote said...

Thank you for all your prayers,he is in recovery
and doing well,
Bless you all.